Quick post

View from Little Bigelow—Avery Peak & West Peak, ME

Hey there. I am now in Stratton, Maine. I have another batch of pictures to share with all of you; Cameron will post these for me later. Two days ago, I was up very early. I climbed the west peak of the Bigelow mountain range. Had reached the summit by 5:15 a.m. Check out the beautiful sunrise that awaited me there on top. What a nice reward for getting up early and hitting the trail by 4:30. Within 24 hours I had successfully crossed the Bigelows. I reached four major peaks, Little Bigelow at 3010 feet, Avery Peak at 4088 feet, West Peak at 4145 feet, and South Horn at 3831 feet. It was a lot of climbing but my legs have gotten trail strong. Only light burning now and then. I have gotten motivated.

Then an “oops” happened. At this point I have no idea if its serious or just something that needs some rest and will be fine. Climbing up mountains is very strenuous, but coming down is a different animal altogether. Some of the descents seem nearly vertical. It is really hard on the knees, bones, and joints. I had been having a slight knee issue for awhile with the underside of my left knee being quite tender, but not a big deal. It wasn’t affecting climbing or descending until I was coming down South Horn yesterday which is really steep. The pain was worsening and then suddenly my leg either slipped or simply gave out. I heard/felt a snapping noise. There was excruciating pain and for the next hour it was nearly impossible to bend my knee. But I still had a climb down of over a mile and then a 5 mile walk out to the road leading to Stratton. The pain was severe. There is considerable swelling and everything about the symptoms and location point to an A.C.L. injury. So, I am now at a crossroads where I need to make a decision. Do I take the chance of just resting it and get back to climbing? Or do I seek medical treatment just in case I have a torn A.C.L.? I have no insurance first of all. Second, if it’s torn…the Spirit Journey is over. But third, if I am coming down a steep mountain and it rips and my body collapses from it and goes tumbling, I could be seriously hurt or worse. I don’t know what to do. Most of my being says “Suck it up. Get back to walking the trail. Don’t let this end like this. Somehow finish even if it kills you—people are counting on you.” Hmmm, it feels a little better today. Maybe its nothing. Any feedback from any of you about this would be greatly appreciated. What should I do? The nearest hospital is also 38 miles away which means I would have to hitch hike.

I met a nice, young couple on the trail; their names are Greg and Samantha, from north Georgia. Like Duke and Julie that I mentioned in an earlier blog, Greg and Sam are hiking home. They stayed a night in Stratton and then hit the trail early this morning. Also a big hello to “Birdie” (Karen).

The owner of the Northland Cash Supply store is letting me tent behind his store for a night or two. His name is Mark Humphries. Thanks Mark, you have no idea how much I appreciate this. Then there is Katherine A. Gagne who works inside the store. What a wonderful human being. A great spirit. She is very much into native things from wolves to pow wows.

Well, I have limited time on this public computer so I will wrap it up for now. Perhaps in a day or two I will be able to write a little more as well as give a medical update. Before I forget, for Mike (Hellbender), I did get your comment here, and Greg and Sam passed along your hello. Get well soon, Mike.

Tony Angel

One Response to Quick post

  1. Mayleen says:

    Hi there. Just read your blog. I’ll be slackpacking the AT section of GA this fall. The picture is beautiful. I definitely agree. Worth having been up so early in the morning. How is your knee/leg? Hope you are still able to continue on this journey but don’t kill yourself over it. 🙂

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